2. Encode your WiFi hotspot name and password into Protobuf on
Protobuf definition:
syntax = "proto3"; message wifi_connect_v1 { string service = 1; string password = 2; }Decoded Message:
{ "service": "mywifi", "password": "mypwdgood" }Press the button 'Encode' (see the picture below) and copy hex value (in example it is: 0a066d797769666912096d79707764676f6f64)
3. Open LightBlue and connect to your hotspot via BLE (before press bluetooth button on hotspot + on rear side with stick for 5 sec to see LED become blue):

4.Navigate to services and choose WiFi Connect (
UUID: 398168aa-0111-4ec0-b1fa-171671270608
5. Write the hex value there:

6. Reconnect Helum miner to power, switch to bluetooth again, check the connection by reading WiFi SSID- readable value shoud not be empty

7. Enjoy