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The T-Impulse is an example of cutting edge technology. It contains (some of the most popular):

  • STMicroelectronics STM32L073Z Low Power MCU ;
  • Semtech SX1276 Long Range Low Power RF Transceiver with TCXO clock source ;
  • Sony CXD5603GF Low Power GNSS Receiver ;
  • TDK InvenSense ICM-20948 Inertial Measurement Unit ;
  • 0.49" I2C OLED display
  • In the air:

    AircraftUAV or balloon onboard location beacon.

  • On the ground:

    One can use it to track an elderly relativekidpetalpine climbervehicle & etc. location.

Just turn your Bracelet on, then wait until the device will pick GNSS satellites up. It will start transmitting automatically afterwards.

By default, the Bracelet is configured to operate over FANET radio protocol. You can further select other protocol through settings change procedure.

When other air traffic with the same radio protocol been enabled will fly around - the pilot will be able to see you and avoid.

You may consider to use it in conjunction with SoftRF Badge Edition
