from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from import GetDialogsRequest from import InputPeerEmpty, InputPeerChannel, InputPeerUser from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import PeerFloodError, UserPrivacyRestrictedError from import InviteToChannelRequest import sys import csv import traceback import time import logging import traceback from telethon import errors api_id = xxxxxxxxx api_hash = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' phone = '+7xxxxxxxxxxx' client = TelegramClient(phone, api_id, api_hash) logging.basicConfig(filename='app.log', filemode='w', format='%(message)s') client.connect() if not client.is_user_authorized(): client.send_code_request(phone) client.sign_in(phone, input('Enter the code: ')) input_file = sys.argv[1] users = [] with open(input_file, encoding='UTF-8') as f: rows = csv.reader(f,delimiter=",",lineterminator="\n") next(rows, None) for row in rows: user = {} user['username'] = row[0] user['id'] = int(row[1]) # user['access_hash'] = int(row[2]) user['name'] = row[3] users.append(user) chats = [] last_date = None chunk_size = 200 groups=[] result = client(GetDialogsRequest( offset_date=last_date, offset_id=0, offset_peer=InputPeerEmpty(), limit=chunk_size, hash = 0 )) chats.extend(result.chats) for chat in chats: try: if chat.megagroup== True: groups.append(chat) except: continue print('Choose a group to add members:') i=0 for group in groups: print(str(i) + '- ' + group.title) i+=1 g_index = input("Enter a Number: ") target_group=groups[int(g_index)] target_group_entity = InputPeerChannel(,target_group.access_hash) mode = int(input("Enter 1 to add by username or 2 to add by ID: ")) waittime = 10 print(len(users)) for user in users: try: print ("Adding {}".format(user['id'])) logging.warning("Adding {} ,".format(user['id'])) if mode == 1: if user['username'] == "": continue user_to_add = client.get_input_entity(user['username']) elif mode == 2: user_to_add = client.get_entity(user['id']) else: sys.exit("Invalid Mode Selected. Please Try Again.") client(InviteToChannelRequest(target_group_entity,[user_to_add])) #client.send_message(user['id'], 'Hi! please join my group....') print("Waiting {} Seconds...".format(waittime)) time.sleep(10) except PeerFloodError: print("Getting Flood Error from telegram. Script is stopping now. Please try again after some time.") logging.warning("Flood") print(traceback.format_exc()) exit() except UserPrivacyRestrictedError: print("The user's privacy settings do not allow you to do this. Skipping. Sending message") client.send_message(user['id'], 'Hi! please join my group....') logging.warning("privacy settings") except errors.FloodWaitError as e: print('Flood wait for ', e.seconds) time.sleep(e.seconds) except errors.UsernameInvalidError: print('NAME ERROR') except: traceback.print_exc() print("Unexpected Error") logging.warning("Unexpected Error") print("Print traceback {} Seconds...".format(waittime)) #print(traceback.format_exc()) #exit() continue
Telegram: automatically add members to your group (python + telethon)
- Информация о материале
- Автор: Super User
- Родительская категория: Заметки
- Категория: Программирование
- Просмотров: 2077
Users collected by previous published script